Network Segmentation: Learn Best Practices for Defense in Financial Services

Sep 23, 2014
2 minutes

If you are responsible for network operations, network architecture, cybersecurity, information security, compliance or security in general at a financial institution, join us on September 30 for an interactive online event on the topic on network segmentation for financial services organized in partnership between Palo Alto Networks and the SANS Institute.


Security, threat protection, incident response, access control, and more have long been top areas of investment for financial services. However, the increasing complexity and sheer scale of the computing power in these organizations also results in some of the most sophisticated security deployments. And it’s not unusual for new technologies to break or create challenges for the security infrastructure that’s already in place.

Organizations can no longer rely on obsolete technology to control and maintain access to data. Network segmentation needs to refreshed, expanded, and adapted to today’s computing trends, including mobile computing, SaaS applications, cloud and others. Whether it’s to isolate a specialized network, a location, or a group of devices that cannot be patched, network segmentation can be one of the most efficient and consistent approaches.

In addition, when network segmentation is applied to complex infrastructure using next-generation security concepts such as application level identification network traffic, it can be a rapid means to simplify compliance to regulations or tighten protection against an emerging type of threats.

If you want to learn more about how to leverage best practices and next-generation segmentation to improve security within your organization, join us for an interactive webinar put together in partnership with the SANS Institute:


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