Ignite 2012 Sessions on Virtualization and Cloud

Oct 15, 2012
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If virtualization and cloud are topics that interest you, then you don't want to miss Ignite 2012. At Ignite, we will have a number of sessions on security for the virtualized data center. In fact, these sessions will provide not only insight into the Palo Alto Networks architectural approach to securing virtualized data centers, but will also feature speakers from the industry who not only have incredible vision but are executing their virtualization and cloud strategy leveraging next-generation firewalls:

What Happens When Your Data Center Goes Virtual - Part 1
Defining the Requirements and Architecture
This session discusses the evolution of data centers towards an automated, dynamic and services-focused model, and how security architectures must change to embrace these very characteristics. We are excited to have Andreas Wuchner, CIO of UBS, kick off part one of this two-part series with his perspective on the considerations for moving towards virtualization and cloud. In particular, Andreas will provide insight on the business and legal considerations of going virtual. We will wrap up with an architectural approach for addressing Andreas' challenges.

What Happens When Your Data Center Goes Virtual - Part 2
Deploying the Next-Generation Firewall
In part two of this series, we will deep dive into the technical specifics of data center designs, implementation of next-generation firewalls in the virtualized data center, and the placement and integration of virtualized next-generation firewalls. At the end of this session, we are thrilled to have Ross Windsor, Chief Technology Architect at Suncorp, provide details on his virtualized data center and cloud deployment with next-generation firewalls. In 2007, Suncorp began consolidating their data centers, and in 2010, leveraged their existing investment to build an internal private cloud with connection services to external SaaS and cloud providers. You will hear about Suncorp's approach to network security in this environment.

Designing a Zero Trust Network
Who better to provide context on Zero Trust, than the author of this security-centric model himself -- John Kindervag of Forrester Research. In addition, we are honored to have Jean-Marc Mazzoni of Dell-Wyse speak about how he implemented a Zero Trust cloud provider network. The Dell-Wyse architecture is unique because it is a dynamic, scalable Zero Trust network in a server-virtualized environment delivering desktop virtualization as a service for organizations globally. You will hear not only about the Dell-Wyse architecture but the deployment of next-generation firewalls as a Zero Trust network segmentation gateway.

I look forward to seeing you at Ignite.

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